Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Practice Values Continue To Be Strong in a Weak Economy

Shea Practice Transitions reports that practice values continue to stay steady if not increased slightly from 2010 through 2011. Shea Practice Transitions reports over 50 practice sales during that period of time, with some interesting statistics. Of these, the average practice collections were over $775,000. The average patients per practice equaled 2,005. Over 95% of the practice sales were sold in cash transactions. The average price per patient record was over $180. The practices sold from a range of 31% of annual gross collections to 78% of annual gross collections. Over half of these practices sold for over 60% of their gross, and over 10% of the practices sold for over 70% of gross. The average practice took approximately 8 months to sell.

The above are simply averages; however, somewhat enlightening. Naturally all of these practices are in different geographic locations, facilities, patient compositions, overhead structure, as well as many other fluctuating variables. Nevertheless, what these statistics do point out is that there is still an excellent market for practice sales (including practice buy-ins). So, don’t sell yourself short. Make sure you get proper value for your practice. Contact Kevin Shea at: www.sheatransitions.com or sheainfo@sheatransitions.com