—in the Summer issue of The Profitable Dentist.
Explore seven situations with me in this article about the role of courage in making management decisions in your practice. It's a short, easy read that could make an enormous difference, even in your everyday practice.
As I say in the article, “When you are in the thick of things, it’s hard to remove yourself and know if you are being objective. In general though, playing it ‘safe’ is probably more dangerous than doing what may, on the surface, look risky.”
Find the issue in at The Profitable Dentist web site: www.theprofitabledentist.com
Or read the article alone at our Advanced Practice Management site: advancedpracticemanagement.com. In the left column you'll find a number of articles I've written. Look for the last listing under The Profitable Dentist. You can download it for later perusal, too.
Lots of Minnesota dental news is in our
Bulletin for the First Quarter of 2009.
Dental Dow Jones, Is an 18% finance charge illegal?, and many other topics are covered, including my advice: Don't buy the $250 manual that is being pushed by some companies in mail solicitations.
Who, What, Why, and When? Get the answers on our web site... free, no log-in, browse when you have a spare minute. Back issues of our Bulletins are there, too.
When is a free consultation really free?
When you give me a call for a chat. We can talk for 15 to 20 minutes about what’s on your mind. Before you call, check out the testimonials on our web site from dentists who called me and are glad they did. Real dentists, real practices, real names and photographs. I'm sure you'll recognize at least a couple of fellow dentists. 952 921 3360
’til next time.